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Getting Started

Programs & Funding

CGE Advising & Events     

Application deadlines for the upcoming terms:

Winter Faculty Led 2025
*Rolling admissions, for all programs
Deadline: Program Specific

Winter 2025 (Non-Faculty Led)
Deadline: Nov 1, 2024

Spring 2025
Deadline: Sep 27, 2024

*If your affiliate or outside program has an earlier deadline please work with a CGE advisor to submit your TCNJ study abroad application & request early for review via

Turn Study Abroad from a dream into a reality by Getting Started today! 

CGE Office Hours/ Location
During the regular academic year
Monday - Friday, 8:30AM-4:30PM
During the summer
Monday-Thursday, 8:30AM-4:30PM
Green Hall 107


There are funding sources available to help defray some of the costs of studying abroad. Some of the more common scholarships apply for are:

o   Gilman Scholarship

o   Boren Award

More Scholarships

Advising Appointments

Request a virtual advising appointment with the appropriate study abroad advisor here or by email,

Study Abroad 101

In a quick half-hour session, CGE outlines the basics on the study abroad application process, including paperwork, program identification, and academic goal setting.

Study Abroad 201

A series of presentations desired to help students prepare for their study abroad programs in the next term.

Study Abroad 401

Make the most of your study abroad experience by attending our series of short presentations designed for study abroad alumni!